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This is especially valuable to deaf parents since what they lack in hearing, they can make up for in visual observation. Factors To Consider Before Purchasing A Baby Monitor Buying the most expensive baby monitor on the shelf is not necessarily the best idea that any parent could muster. You have to understand what you really need and determine how to compensate for the capability that you lack without sacrificing anything. But if you think that having visuals over your child would make you feel that your child is safer, then go for baby video monitors. Baby Video Monitors Extreme The usual setup for baby video monitors is that a camera is placed in the baby s room then a monitor, usually an LCD type, will be carried by the parent. In this way, you will know when your baby needs feeding, a diaper change or, perhaps, your mere presence and the comfort of your touch. At daytime, a baby monitor also provides you with an enormous freedom to do other things during your baby's naptime. As a rule, you need to place the radio transmitter within 10 feet of the crib so that it can pick up even the slightest sounds made by your baby such as breathing and movement. The greater the distance of the monitor from the child, then there is also a greater reduction to the amount of exposure to radiation. Most manufacturing companies nowadays have also been improving their products to make them less health threatening. In conclusion, parents can always have the option for opting to the hi-tech digital baby monitors especially because its many benefits, but if fear for the safety of the child is still present, always remember that there are precautions that one can follow to minimize risks. The truth of the matter is that the price tag doesn t necessarily guarantee that you'll actually get what you need. Like any other products, baby monitors need to suit your lifestyle and satisfy your requirements, even to the slightest of details. So before you purchase one, try to dwell on a number of factors first. 2) Another way to help in solving wireless interference is to find a proper location for the transmitter as well as for the receiver (baby unit and the parents unit). So where should you place your wireless baby monitor to minimize wireless interference? You need to place it as far away as possible from other devices especially wireless ones. 

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