You are only humans bound by physiologic limitations. So to aid you with your wanting to watch your baby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you may want to consider using wireless baby monitors night and day. What are Baby Monitors? Baby monitors are devices, either audio or video, that can help you check up on your baby even if you are not physically present with him or her. Are Digital Baby Monitors Safe for Children? Today, almost everything has gone digital. Cellular phones, computers and even simple household appliances, such as telephones and microwaves, have all switched to digital technology. However, the growing concern of many is whether these hi-tech gadgets can be considered safe for our health, especially in gadgets such as baby monitors that are usually placed in such a close distance to children. Having an indicator on the gadget that activates whenever the battery is low prevents instances of the battery running out without you knowing. Not having this feature could be very dangerous to the child because one might not notice that something wrong has already happened if the monitor stops working when the battery drains. But no matter how these gadgets may seem to help, there are times when they become annoying especially when you encounter interferences. Baby monitors, specifically wireless ones, may experience a lot of interferences especially when you live in flats with short proximity from other tenants. The chances of interference are doubled if next-door neighbors also make use of wireless baby monitors. Fortunately, a number of baby monitors now come with a sound-activated light that illuminates each time it detects noise. This feature allows you to immediately know that something's going on without even hearing the sounds. Double Receiver Opting for baby monitors with two receivers is an excellent idea; that is, if you don t mind shelling out more money than you're supposed to. Simpler monitor models will do for smaller houses, but you may need a more sophisticated monitor system for a larger house. The lifestyle and the type of work that you have to do around is also another important factor to consider, especially if your work requires you to be farther away from your baby s room and you may need a monitor that covers the range, particularly a portable one.
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