Once filed, if its with the FTI, being the leading and core authority to follow-up of credit records trespassing, it has full control to *detect, by way of consistent monitoring of your financial accounts as well as your current billings; *to deter, with caution to safeguard any personal information data under their safekeeping; *defend your identification from any continuous manipulations of the suspected theft. His company has offices all over North America and has now partnered with the nation's biggest investigative agency, Kroll Inc., to provide an insurance policy for ID theft victims. "Generally, we'll find out if they're a victim before they know and we'll notify them," Burke said. It's called identity theft shield, an around the clock system of monitoring your credit, restoring your identity and reimbursing your costs in case your good name is stolen and used against you. Now, identity theft is no longer a dream for some hackers and internet con artists. One can even say that with their techniques and expertise, it will be like taking candy from a baby yet this time, it involves more than sweets. Life is at stake, personal and social life. How can someone steal your identity? However, after you report identity theft to the police, you should contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is the government agency through which all the cases of identity thefts must pass through before being investigated at the federal level. Go to http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft/ to file your complaint and for additional steps to take if you ve been victimized by identity theft. Even the proliferation of credit cards and its growing use in the world today has made it easier for more criminals to commit identity theft. Because of the big market for financial products such as credit cards, credit institutions have made it easier for people to apply for credit cards. This in turn has made it easier for people to give out their personal information that can be at risk of being stolen. Just think-if your wallet was stolen or you have for one reason or another, been physically separated from items that contain sensitive information like your social security number, credit card information, driver's license number, etc-- it is easy to prevent identity theft because you can cancel all your cards and report them stolen to prevent anyone misusing your personal information for their gain.
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