With the B vitamin being so diverse, scientists understand the complex well enough to isolate the vitamin into eight different variations of the B vitamin family. These variations include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. As with other vitamin classes, a deficiency in the B vitamin can result in several different conditions such as weight loss, weakness, stress, diarrhea, dementia, anemia, and other things. Women that drink ginger tea have said that it helps them eliminate menstrual cramps completely. What many people don t know, is the fact that ginger root isn t really classified as a root, but instead an underground stem. Even though it is a very useful vitamin and supplement, it is harvested year round just like the hawthorne berry. There are some supplements that may interfere with others when you absorb them, so you should always make sure what you are taking is acceptable to take with other forms of vitamin supplements. Even though you may be on a healthy diet, you should still make sure that you are getting the proper vitamins and supplements as well. Together, the combination of the two will work side by side, and enhance their overall impact on your body and your health. Vitamin C is well known as an antioxidant, protecting your skin from the harmful damage of UV rays. If you skin suffers from radiation damage, vitamin C can actually help your skin to recover and reverse some of the harmful effects. If you don t consume the right nutrients, you won t be doing your heart any favors - and may end up having problems later on in life. The first vitamin that comes to mind for most people is vitamin E, a vitamin that is essential to improving the overall health of your heart. When taken correctly, vitamin E will stop the cholesterol in the body from harming the arteries that surround the heart. All About Vitamin A Vitamin A was first discovered back in 1912, by a Polish biochemist named Casimir Funk. He came up with the word vitamine, which was later given the name vitamin. Funk was the first to discover vitamins as we know them today, although vitamin A was actually the first one discovered, hence the letter A in the title of the vitamin.
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