Continental grip This is the ideal grip which allows you to have maximum wrist action for a powerful stroke. Ball Handling You should hold the ball between your thumb and all four fingers. Feet Position - Align your feet with your toes pointing toward the target area. The Ball Toss Toss the ball in front, slightly to the right, and a little higher than your racquet could reach so it is just in time as it reaches the ball. Both the tennis balls and the racket can be purchased at the local sporting goods store. Beginners don t have to buy the kind that costs $100 or more and can probably use one for half the price to get into the game. Should the person love the game, this is the only time one should consider investing in an expensive one that will surely come in handy both in practice and during a tournament. Most are brilliantly designed to fit the player's needs, style wants and comfort. They come in many fabrics and colors that women could choose from. Common fabrics are cotton (this is used due to its softness and breathability), nylon (this one is used because of its durability) and spandex (due to its elasticity). There is a lot of designs to choose from that would surely fit your taste. If you are the go-getter type, you could go for the neon-colored fabrics that are the trendy colors for sports these days. You wanna get that ball past your opponent? Wear something neon to momentarily distract him or her. Go lightweight. It was also during this time that it became the popular sport of the royalties in France and was called the game of the palm. The word tennis came from the French word that was being shouted by early French players at the beginning of the game tenez meaning play. Shortly after its popularity among French aristocrats, tennis spread throughout Europe especially in England. The products that are currently being sold worldwide by the company are: 1.Shoes- which the company guarantees to not wear out within the year it was purchased. Repairs and replacement are choices that an unsatisfied customer can opt for. 2.Rackets 3.Tennis Balls 4.Strings 5.Sports bags 6.Grips 7.Items used on the court as well as machines!
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