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It is aspired for that all tennis players worldwide would have an ITN in the near future. Under this scheme tennis athletes will be given performance ratings from ITN 1 - ITN 10 range. ITN 1 corresponds to high-level player (holding an ATP / WTA standing or of a comparable playing standard). The ITN 10 is a player who is capable of serving and returning an ordinary ITF ball in a full court. Born on June 8, 1976 in Palos Verdes, California, USA, she started playing tennis at the age of 5. She won three Grand Slam tournaments at the end of the 90's She left the world of tennis to recuperate from a back injury. She came back in 2005 with a bang as she was ranked No. 1. Maria Sharapova. She was on April 19, 1987 in Russia. They made some of these rackets world famous in such a short period of time that the name Prince became synonymous with tennis. One of the continuing marketing strategies of the company is to sponsor top tennis performers such as: Maria Sharapova, Jennifer Capriati, Guillermo Coria, Martina Navartilova and Patrick Rafter. These numbers basically represent a thirty seven percent to forty percent increase in users compared to last year s number. The Spanish language site of ATP Tennis was also able to record a significant increase for this year, with the impressions increasing up to fifty percent. Another news on the ATP Tennis in Europe is that they have a new CEO as personified by former UK executive in sports, Andy Anson. For the singles game, the court measures 78 feet (23.77 meters) in length at the sidelines and, 27 feet (8.2 meters) in width at the base lines. While for the doubles, the court is made of 9 feet (2.7 meters) wider by making the base lines 4.5 feet (1.37 meters) longer in both directions. These added extensions on the sidelines are identified as alleys. The good thing about tennis is that it is a sport you won t have any problem understanding. Actually, just by frequently watching the game played on TV, you can already get the drift. It is interesting to note that tennis rules have not changed through out the centuries. The main objective of the game is for a player to get the ball over the net and the other player not hitting it. 

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