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Spiritual Awakening Guided Meditation | Raise Your Consciousness & Activate Your Higher Self

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The culminating point marked in the practices is when one already attains the spiritual enlightenment therefore they feel the unity of soul, leaving behind all physical and mental engagements and everything else. It is possessing highly evolved souls, and to share the kind of enlightenment that these spiritual masters experience they propagate it through the world. A Thing Called Faith Since the earlier days, it has been said that all of the achievements of men are in fact due to the power that we can achieve through our faith; and that such faith can definitely encompass any material concept we ever dip our fingers on. Basically, faith is what keeps a human being strong and glorious in the end. Healing Through Spiritual Medicine The world in which we live in today consists of countless material possessions and desires. Indeed, it has become a difficult task for people to acknowledge the simple things in life since they are now blinded by the quantity of riches and fame. Remember that however simple these things may be, they are much more important to the lives of human beings than those materialistic possessions you can never ever bring with you when you pass away. Many people are deprived of spiritual development simply because they are distracted by the countless materialistic things which they think are indispensable in order to survive. And what is more, instead of making people content and fulfilled with their lives, these materialistic things only make it worse for them. And knowing that our mind is limited by the interpretations of the human brain, we will need to do away with the mind while trying to attempt this exercise. You need to look at the mind like a casual observer, and treat it as something that is separate from our selves. Try to relax and concentrate, and ensure that you are in a location secluded from outside interference. Even with a single activity that one person does, it can totally change the lives of other people, even those he does not know personally. Such a thing is called relationship. There are different kinds of relationships which people share with one another and one kind is the spiritual relationship. This kind of relationship basically aims for the greatest good for every person involved. 

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