It breeds contentment that enables you to move forward. When you are not pulled back by resentment, you move faster onward. Focusing on the good things in your life is focusing on the achievements that you otherwise would not have made. Focusing on positive things also relieves the mind of anger that have always resulted to having less or not being contented that results to greed which is more deadly. What is more, contentment and lack of desire for worldly possessions is the true meaning of spiritual growth. When your perception of life transcends the need for material possessions to quantify your being, then you can proudly claim that you are liberated and that you have spiritually grown. On the whole, spiritual growth is the process where a person develops his consciousness. What is more, with the human mind being hindered by what can only be seen, they are then being taken aback from the fact that spiritual science truly exists. Material Science The value of material science especially in today's world cannot be argued upon. A lot of societies and nations depend on material science in order to bring their countries in a developed state. Balanced Aspects Of The Body It is true to say that the human body is not simply composed by the physical being but rather of other aspects as well including the mental, emotional and spiritual beings. These four things should be balanced inside the human being in order for the person to have a healthy state. As you feel you are no longer the individual that you are and instead one with everything around your environment, you are closing in with the Supreme Soul as everything comes from Him. This is a great experience that anyone can undergo because enlightening of the soul is starting to dawn with more promises to be a lot better later on with the succeeding stage. Therefore, in order to have a much more positive world, we must learn from our past experiences. We must make sure that everything we do is geared towards bearing a positively fruitful result. They do not have to be good for us alone, but of course, for the good of all. Doing so, we will find ourselves humble enough to become true stewards of the society.
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