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Life After Spiritual Awakening: What Happens Next? [3 Things To Do!]

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Although numerology is an imperfect science, as we just pointed out, it doesn't mean that you cannot benefit from its usage. In a world where everything is in perpetual motion, what is constant are numbers. They can be quantified, and are the cornerstones of everything that is quantifiable, while everything else are just vibrations. The life/etheric body, which is the same as the Chinese idea of chi, embodies the second, while the third level is the soul/astral body. Finally, the fourth one resides in the spirit. In this model, the physician ensures that all these four levels are put under careful scrutiny, and he applies his knowledge of modern medicine and spiritual science in their treatment both in separate levels and as a whole. And while attaining spiritual satisfaction is definitely difficult to reach, such a process is actually the same with people called hermits who choose to live in the mountains in pure solitude and peace. However, considering the world like ours, it is much more difficult nowadays to live like hermits especially that our lives are now basically dominated by materialism. All of us have the potential to have or not to have, to be or not to be. We could be a vegetarian, a football fan, a family man, a priest, a star or a eunuch. The choices are endless. No matter, it still boils down to how we perceive things and how we react to them. If we believe in our hearts that we could be a millionaire without the self-doubt, we can. Most people have already lost the ability to simply sit and contemplate on their lives. They are too busy worrying about their finances, their work and even their future that they fail to realize the simple pleasures which make up their life. Restoring A Sense Of Positivism In addition, most people are always getting the feeling that life is unfair to them and that they absolutely do not deserve the kind of life they are given. This is when his body can be ill or be inflicted with all sorts of diseases. Although scientifically he can be cured in his physical state, it does not necessarily mean that he is cured completely. Healing A Body Through A Healing Force It is during this time that spiritual medicine comes in. It is when a person is healed not by tangible drugs or therapies, but rather by a healing force that is much greater than any medicine that can be found on earth. 

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