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3 Signs You are Going Through Spiritual Awakening [Wake Up]

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What is more, contentment and lack of desire for worldly possessions is the true meaning of spiritual growth. When your perception of life transcends the need for material possessions to quantify your being, then you can proudly claim that you are liberated and that you have spiritually grown. On the whole, spiritual growth is the process where a person develops his consciousness. Notice those who served a lot and gave a lot achieved a lot and is remembered best. They are the guideposts of everything that is good and everything we secretly aspire for. The truth is we are created out of good and will never be happy if we do not aspire for what is good. The best thing is that the same Creator that made you and I, who keeps on providing for you and I, the source of happiness, wants nothing back. As mentioned a while ago, spiritual ecards on the internet come in great options and ideas giving you easier time to find the exact one. You can put your own wordings together with a certain verse or religious saying on the ecards for a more personalized touch and to have a more impact on the recipient. Basically, our aura comprises of the things which our body holds including our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. A person with a lively aura may simply mean that he is satisfied with all of the beings present inside of him. And when a person emanates a negative aura, it means exactly the other way around. And in instances that you develop some physical illness, it is actually an indication that you have a weak soul. If you remember, your soul is always connected to your body and therefore, when your soul is weakened, your physical body is then vulnerable to all sorts of temptations and negative energy. However, considering the world like ours, it is much more difficult nowadays to live like hermits especially that our lives are now basically dominated by materialism. It is then wise that a person does not take being a hermit literally, rather take it as a challenge in order for him to live in simplicity and satisfaction. 

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