Speaking of hostels, it is interesting to know that most of the Amsterdam hostels provide the best accommodation and service available, the reason that many tourists from across the globe return to visit Amsterdam. Now, after saying all of those interesting facts about Amsterdam and you've come to consider a short vacation to the city, I guess it is best that you find first the best Amsterdam hostel available - the one that really suits your needs. Note that the result presented on their weather forecast is calculated based on a weighting of different types of weather, so if a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then you will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol instead of a rain cloud. And, from the Amsterdam weather forecast made by BBC, it is clearly shown that the speed and direction of the wind are the expected condition at midday in the city. Also important to consider when you prefer to take your Amsterdam travel by air is that some budget airlines are starting to fly to Rotterdam Airport, which is approximately one hour from the city via bus. By Train: As mentioned earlier, you can take your Amsterdam travel by train as there are domestic and international trains that travel going to Amsterdam. There is also a little snow during the winter season. Furthermore, the spring and autumn are pleasant in Amsterdam; however these seasons can be wet, with 100+ mm of rain per month. Safety and Health Amsterdam is a safe city, thus there is nothing really to fear from walking in any part of the city. It has been noted that even in the red-light district around the Oude Kerk, tourists are always spotted wandering around. It is also worth noting that the Amsterdam coffee shops are prohibited to promote or advertise their wares and most have removed their menus from their web sites. The Question on Legality As you may know, the legal situation of Amsterdam coffee shops selling cannabis is quite complicated. International treaties prohibit the Netherlands from legalizing cannabis, even if they wanted to. Dissatisfied with this far away location, the club moved to a playing field only a five-minute walk away from the ferry. - The Wooden Stadium (1907-1934) - In 1907, the building plans for a new housing at the location in Amsterdam Noord forced Ajax Amsterdam once again to move and find a new playing field.
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