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Why Should You Wear Sunscreen? | Body Science for Kids

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One of the things that hinder people from getting a good skin is the set of foods that they eat. This is because these foods might contain ingredients and other properties that can really affect the person's chemical balance. If you think that the foods that you are eating affects you in achieving healthy skin, try assessing your food intake for one day. Oral treatments include products that contain tetracycline, erythromycin, minocycline and doxycycline are known to be effective. Most people consider topical acne medication or treatments through creams and surgery as other options in treating acne. One of the most common acne skin care treatment product are acne creams. There are actually medicines that can be applied to treat acne but before putting them on your face, you need to first consult a doctor to find out the regimen that will fit your condition and your skin type. Here are some tips on how to take care of acne prone skin. 1. Let it be treated by professionals The earlier you have it medically treated, the better will be the prognosis. It is also recommended that people with oily skin refrain from using cosmetics and skin care products that are oil-based or those that are oily. Using oily products will only add to the oil already on the skin. They should instead use water-based products that are easily removed. 2. Wash your face Another solution to a problem is the frequent washing of the face. This is the major external factor that caused aging. Experts say that aging caused by overexposure to the sun's ultra violet rays is called "photo-aging." In this process, the sun's rays breaks down the collagen and elastin in the person's skin that lead to the development of premature wrinkles and other facial lines. And this is not a gross exaggeration. Any business, product or service that deals with anti-aging is sure to succeed. In fact, one of the fastest growing industry in the country today is the cosmetic industry which partly deals with helping people stay young and look young through augmentation, face lifts and surgeries. 

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