Airbrush Art-Your Airbrush Parts All beginner airbrush artists should understand the parts of their airbrushes and what these parts do. After all how can your create great airbrush art if you do not truly understand your airbrush equipment? Take the time to gain knowledge of all the parts of your airbrush will help you to learn how to properly work your airbrush and also how to take care of it. A bottom feed or siphon feed airbrush works best when putting airbrush art onto a t-shirt. You should always stick with a name brand airbrush when airbrushing. The best name brands to go with are the Iwata or Badger. The Paasche is also a good quality airbrush to go with. You will save yourself money in the long run when using a name brand versus a generic airbrush. As you can see airbrush art can fit for anyone's tastes and needs. With airbrush art you can go extreme with fantasy art or murals of realistic scenery. You can go with bold colors schemes or subtle colors. The possibilities with airbrush art are unlimited and only limited to the artist imagination. Any scene, any surface and everything in between can be airbrushed. Airbrush art can be seen in magazines that are designed to teach techniques geared toward airbrushing in a more broad-spectrum. Airbrush art can also be seen in magazines geared toward airbrushing cars or bikes and such. Making for much more precise content toward a more specific niche. Airbrush Technique Magazine is a broad spectrum magazine that is geared to teach techniques of airbrush art no matter what you are airbrushing. Or imagine that no matter what size your project is, even the fine details are brought out to the point that they demand to be noticed. All this can be done if an artist takes the time to learn micro airbrushing. There are couple of ways that an artist can learn how to do micro airbrush art. One way that an artist can learn how to do micro airbrush art is to obtain a video created just to teach micro airbrushing. Even if you do not go with the Iwata though remember to always go with named brand and never use any knockoff airbrushes. You will need a air compressor that is designed for airbrushing on nails. The best air compressor to use is the Iwata Studios Series Silver Jet Air Compressor. While this one is the best one you can go with any small compressor that has an 18 psi.
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