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Kids parties 2000s vs NOW

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You can also tailor the food that you will serve according to the theme. You don't really need to come up with new dishes. You can simply rename and redecorate regular party fare, like spaghetti, burgers, hotdogs and cupcakes, to make them look and sound according to the theme you chose. If you have a Halloween party, for instance, you can renamed spaghetti into 'blood and guts'. As soon as everyone figures out the right buddy, let them sit again beside their "Farm Buddies". Fruit Basket Form a circle with chairs. The chairs should be one less than the number of players. The person standing says,"I'm grateful for (a characteristic, outfit or state of a person)" and every child with that characteristic stands up and scurries for another chair to sit on. Kids will have an easier time making guesses if you use animals or common objects to act out. 5) Guess How Many? Bring out a jar of candies or buttons or whatever and ask the young guests to guess how many of the items there are in the jar you're holding up. The person who guesses the exact number of contents or the one closest to it wins. This can be pin the tail on the donkey, pin the hat on the sailor, pin the earrings on the queen, or whatever. You can be creative with this portion. These are pin the tail games readily available at party supplies shops, but you can also make these yourself for a more personal touch. Get a piece of poster paper and draw on it, depending on your child's preference. If you're lucky (and really trying not to spend so much), you can ask a friend to dress up as a clown for the event. You'd be surprised that some of your close friends will be willing to act goofy to help you out. Try to ask who wants to volunteer first before you scan the yellow pages. You never know. Other interesting children's birthday party themes include slumber sleepover, tropical outdoors, under the sea, indian themes, cowboys, character-centric themes (Spongebob Squarepants, Blues Clues, Kim Possible, etc), outer space, farm animal themes, Star Wars, and others. You can mix and match popular themes of you want. 

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