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These masks are called thermal paintball masks and can usually be bought at specialty paintball stores at a price that's a bit higher than what you would pay for ordinary paintball masks. You should also definitely get a paintball mask which has lenses that are scratch resistant. In the field, people may experience situations when they need to bump into branches and other stuff which could scratch the lenses. 2) Find used ones another great source of a cheap paintball gun would be another player. There are certain players who would be willing to sell you cheap paintball guns for various reasons. They might be tired of playing paintball and are willing to sell their old equipment in order to help them move on. Here are a few tips to help you in selecting the best paintball gun for you: 1) Check out the construction Paintball guns take a lot of abuse in the field. This means you should not settle for something that has low quality construction. Although plastic paintball guns can be cheap, they can also be cheaply made. In each style, it is important to get the right weapons in order to make sure that your playing style is given the right advantage. If you want to become the ultimate paintball sniper, then you need to get the right guns. There are generally two sniper paintball guns that you will need: 1) Primary weapon the main sniper paintball gun, of course, is a rifle. This is because the paintball marker is the main piece of equipment that you will use in the game. Here are some qualities you should definitely check out before buying a paintball marker: 1) Range this quality determines just how far the paintball marker will be able to shoot. Although it may seem as if finding a gun with the best range is desirable, you have to realize that there are some situations which call for short-range paintball markers. In this article, we will be examining the various advantages and disadvantages of doing this. Power-wise, the paintball pistol puts the user at a disadvantage, these are the reasons why: 1) Short range compared to the rifle, the paintball pistol has a much shorter range. This means that if you choose to use a paintball pistol, you need to get closer to your opponent and this presents a whole new range of complications. 

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