Note down any damage or concerns you have to be discussed with whomever you're dealing with its important to have these notes before moving anything in so that you can get the problems remedied as soon as possible. If you're letting from a landlord, he'll give you a list of any fittings, fixtures and furniture he's leaving its very common nowadays for landlords to leave 'white goods' kitchen appliances, such as the fridge, freezer, washing machine and cooker. You may also need some basic information on the amount of items you want to move, the sizes of your bulky items, and whether you'll be moving into a house that's up stairs or an elevator - and what access you have, as some companies charge premiums for this if you're using their team to move. Access includes whether its a long way to your front door, or if parking is readily available, or conversely, difficult. Scum stains, dried toothpaste and lime scale come off with liberal application of an oxy based paste you can get any 'oxy' based cleaner (one that fizzes and heats up the water slightly) in most supermarkets. You can remove moldy or damp smells just about anywhere with bicarbonate of soda. Simply apply to the smelly area (or leave a tub open in a cupboard or fridge) and the smell should be vastly diminished or gone within 24 hours. These donations and sales make mental and space sense - you're not wasting perfectly good items you will probably never use again, and you could sell the really good condition items in a variety of places. You could hold a yard sale, or garage or even a car boot sale - or if you have enough time, auction them online, either via a recognized site, or through your own website, if you have the know how - getting rid of the things you don't need is both very freeing and releasing, and can actually generate you some extra money for the move. You may also want to ask the company themselves for references, and information on when their cheapest and most expensive times are to move. You may find moving midweek to be far more cost effective, as weekends always carry a premium. The company you eventually choose to move you will want to come out and inspect your home, to work out what they will be moving, and to provide you with a quotation, so you may want to de-clutter before they arrive - they will take an inventory, in some cases, with you and decide what your quotation will be. Empty one room at a time, and ensure the cupboards (if they are walk in) are also empty once its done, sweep, mop or vacuum, and do one final pickup then close the door. Make it clear to the others helping you that sealed rooms are finished with, so that people aren't trailing dirt into rooms that are finished and clean.
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