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Saying GOODBYE To Our HOME.. (MOVING OUT) | Familia Diamond

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Your appliances should be checked and cleaned with seven days to go you should possibly consider not buying frozen goods at all over the next week, unless you're sure that they won't defrost during the move. Wastage is easily avoided and you can use up all of the items in your freezer without needing to buy more. Packing Fragile Items Fragiles are some of the hardest items to pack. From ornaments to dishes, antiques, photos and lights, you'll need to consider what you're packing, and how best to transport them. Large photos, framed items and paintings other wall based items are easiest wrapped in bubble-wrap and then placed carefully in a safe place they'll need to be monitored carefully when moving, as anything falling against them could cause serious damage, tear or break them. Before Moving Anything In Before moving any of your belongings into your new home, its important to make sure that everything is as it should be. You may have had a list of repairs you expected or this may be the first time you've seen the house empty. Take some time to go around with a notepad and check all of the sockets for obvious signs of wear and tear and look for damage that you might be otherwise liable for. Packing clothes into suitcases or bags means that they are easy to transport, and easy to fit into spare spaces in your transport, but you need to make sure that the bags or cases are sturdy enough to contain your belongings well. Cheap bags are no good if you need to use two of them or they burst when you pick them up. Its always important, when using these tips to spot test and ensure that you won't be doing more damage than good. You should also always take your cleaning items with you a box of your most commonly used items or a checklist can save you time and effort in the long run. Some of the most common stains and marks can be removed with ease with every day household items. You should also phone your doctors surgery/local health care provider, or church group to let them know you're going to be at a new address. Many people appreciate personalized notices that their friends and family have moved so you should send out the last of those items now. You may also want to consider a 'house cooling' party use paper plates and disposable cups and make an adventure of it you could even talk your family and friends into some last minute packing/painting help. 

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