Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. Your small office may be the last thing you actually pack fully, but you can start by cleaning through your paperwork and ensuring everything you've got has storage - if you run a craft business or have a hobby that takes up space, its always good practice, as soon as you've heard you'll be moving, to start clearing and boxing up your non essential supplies. Most companies provide insurance and are consummate professionals, but some can cause more damage than the cost of hiring them, and its important to have redress when moving belongings. Their insurance should be carefully examined to make sure it covers everything - this will also give you an idea of what they will and won't pack - and what extras (such as mattress covering) they'll provide. It is possible however for bags to be mistaken for rubbish. 2) Bags are good for items like clothing, and bedding, and when you've ran out of boxes to pack anything. Teddies and soft toys work well in bags - edged objects, or items that are likely to be too heavy to carry in a plastic bag would probably work better in boxes. Two Days to Go The last few days before your move will be a blur of final packing, cleaning, touching up, organizing and sleeplessness. You'll probably want to take time off work, if you haven't done so already, and devote all of your time to finishing your preparations for the move. Everything should be in place for you by now if not, you should follow up on any loose ends that will affect your first days in your new house as soon as possible. Get rid of your children's old clothes and toys BEFORE you pack - its easy to pack around small children, harder to sneak their favorite outgrown things into the bin whilst they aren't looking. It s important to remember though that space wins over sentimentality, every time, and if you're going to keep something ensure its for the right reasons. On the latter, you could offer an 'allowance' or remove a fraction of the house costs for carpets or, if you can, invest yourself and replace them, to allow a possibly higher sale price. Walls should be painted off white, or antique white or possibly very pale and pastel shades if you're planning on redecorating you may have no option if your walls are stained, marked or damaged.
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