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EMPTY HOUSE TOUR + MOVE IN WITH ME♡unpacking, building furniture, shopping!

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Boxes are a good, cheap alternative to plastic containers and can be bought from websites, along with tape and stickers to mark your boxes. Boxes are a great way to pack things into regular spaces and makes them easier to carry. You can also get boxes from supermarkets, and sometimes from recycler and on Craig s list. Empty one room at a time, and ensure the cupboards (if they are walk in) are also empty once its done, sweep, mop or vacuum, and do one final pickup then close the door. Make it clear to the others helping you that sealed rooms are finished with, so that people aren't trailing dirt into rooms that are finished and clean. Moving Further Than a Couple of Streets Sometimes, moves take us hundred's of miles from our home town to new states, countries or continents. These moves are harder to plan for, and require much more stringent assessment of belongings, so that you can afford the move itself. Long distance moves are harder on families who are used to supporting one another you'll often find that your phone bill increases and that you'll have more problems adjusting if you're moving away from familial support if you're moving TO your family though, you can be sure that things may get easier if a little nutty. And while its always good to hang onto things of sentimental value, do you really need a newspaper from 1985 with an article about something that you needed to follow up within a week of the printing? Get rid of any papers that you don't need (though keep all important documentation) - consider donating any magazines, books, old toys or clothes in good condition to a local charity - or sell them on Ebay or similar, to make some cash. Teddies and soft toys work well in bags - edged objects, or items that are likely to be too heavy to carry in a plastic bag would probably work better in boxes. Bags also work well with linens. 3) Whilst packing, it s important to maximize space - and pack your biggest objects first, and fill space around them. Note down any damage or concerns you have to be discussed with whomever you're dealing with its important to have these notes before moving anything in so that you can get the problems remedied as soon as possible. If you're letting from a landlord, he'll give you a list of any fittings, fixtures and furniture he's leaving its very common nowadays for landlords to leave 'white goods' kitchen appliances, such as the fridge, freezer, washing machine and cooker. 

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