It is natural for the child to pose some resistance to using the potty especially if the child has been wearing diapers for some time. Parents now have to understand that first they have to fight an old habit and then instate a new one in its place. If patience is not one of the strong points of the parent and pressure is put on the child, then it is likely that there will appear some potty training problems. There are a few theoretical things that you should know about potty training resistance which will help you understand what is going on and how you can handle the crisis. The most important elements of potty training resistance that will help you survive this phase are the causes of and reasons for this kind of behavior, parents-children-potty relationship, as well as the reward-punishment factor. First of all children differ from each other, and there have been many cases in which one very well known and appreciated method failed in some children s cases. That is because not all techniques go with all children. So taking the best out of these most known and successful methods and putting them into one just had to work. These books contain potty training reward chart sheets that you can use to record your child s progress. Besides you can find not just one potty training reward chart but hundreds of them on the internet. All you have to do is download a potty training reward chart and use it. Or you can create your own potty training reward chart using paper, card, ruler, colored pencils or markers, and stars or stickers. You have probably already gotten some free potty training tips from neighbors, relatives and friends. You should know that there are potty training books and equipment that you can purchase in children s stores, or you can search the internet and find tons of free potty training tips provided by lots of parents who have already faced the problem and who want to help the others by sharing their experiences. During the potty training in 3 days it is also recommended that the child should not be already stressed by other things. In case you have recently moved into a new house or there has been a sad event in the family, it is better to postpone the potty training in order to achieve better and faster results.
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