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Exceptional Indian Bowlers Stifle South Africa | SAvIND 2nd Test

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The player should learn to adjust to different conditions. Bowling is a mental game. Coping with different conditions is one way of exhibiting this skill. The player should be sensitive to different factors such as the balls, movements, players and even the condition of the lanes. Being observant will help him be creative with his movements. Rather than make it a game against each other, try bowling to beat your own personal scores. This can help give kids the leeway they need to learn and take the pressure off. Pick the right equipment. Make sure the shoes fit right and the balls aren't too heavy or too light. If these things are in place, the game is a whole lot more fun. These rules are taken very seriously by those who frequent the alleys, so it's a very good idea for beginners to learn a bit about the sport and its expected bowling lane etiquette. Bowling itself dates back thousands of years into the history of man. It is believed that bowling pre-dates written history. As the years passed changes evolved and modern bowlers are now able to execute different techniques and strategies. They have started making movements that create sharp angles to the pocket that are able to hit the pins with maximum energy. With the variety of modern balls available, bowlers are able to create styles that help them hook the balls. And to some extent, like in baseball with a baseball bat, the weight of a ball used can depend upon the skill level of the bowler. The size or circumference of a bowling ball is relatively uniform despite differences in weight. A bowling ball is made up of three distinct parts; the core, the coverstock and the filler. Shoulders Place your right arm across your chest, slightly bending it at the elbow, which should be turned away from your body. You should be able to feel the pull at the shoulder joint and sustain it for eight counts. Do the same for the other arm. Arms Take one arm and raise it above your head. Then bend it at the elbow, while your opposite arm holds it in place. 

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