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How to make Origami Sunglasses (Traditional Model) - Paper Sunglasses making instructions

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If the child tries it for awhile and decides they don't like it, there is no big concern about the initial investment for materials. To get a child started with origami, using plain computer paper would be a good idea. Until you are certain it is something they'd like to continue, perhaps you should stick with using inexpensive paper. For the many people who work tirelessly on their compositions, the end result certainly brings a sense of accomplishment. Designing origami requires vision. An individual must be capable of visualizing what the outcome ought to look like before making a single fold. It is then up to the artist to figure out what steps or folds needs to be made in order to accomplish their goal. Be sure to explain each fold in simple words, showing them (possibly on a large piece of paper) what they need to do each step of the way. 5. You want to be sure the children understand what they need to do and make sure you give them enough time to work it out themselves - don't jump in too quickly to help them. Each and every day, whether at school, at work, at home or at the grocery store, people need to practice patience. This is difficult for some individuals, especially for the child who is waiting their turn for the swing for example. Origami can be used to instill this importance of patience in both children and adults alike. Looking at a picture of the intended outcome provides the individual with a motive to complete a project. With each fold they are closer to their goal. Once the object is finished and the goal is reached, they experience a sense of achievement. Goal setting is great to teach children as well. Achieving a goal helps them to feel empowered and equipped for the next new challenge. In Japan from the early 1600's through the late 1800's, several forms of entertainment were developed for the common people; origami, now as an art form was one of those entertainments. The popularity of origami was due in part to its simplicity and the fact that there was no need for special tools. The popularity of origami continued to grow through about the middle of the 19th century then, except for ceremonial usage it's popularity started to decline during the modernization of Japan. 

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