Cats are clean animals as they spend a large amount of time grooming themselves each day. In the majority of cases, cats lead a very happy and long life without too many problems. They don t cost very much because cat food and litter are very cheap. They don t require as many vet visits for routine shots either like dogs do which can become quite expensive. Another feature you may consider is a reflective strip in the cat collar. This can be helpful at night especially in areas that have a lot of traffic. The number one killer of cats is traffic so give the driver every chance to see your cat, especially if it s a dark colored cat. Many collars come with bells or some other noise making device. If you live in an apartment in a city, then your cat should live solely indoors. If you live in a farm, then your cat may live solely outdoors or live both indoors and outdoors. When your cat lives solely outdoors, it must be provided with some form of shelter, such as a barn. What you should not do is to keep a cat inside a cage. To find them, run your hands over the cat s body. Look for raised spots on him. If you find one or more, check it closely to see if it has little legs. If so the cat has ticks. You ll need to ask your vet about having the tick removed as you can not do this yourself without risking the tick s head staying behind in your pet s skin. Disease and weight changes are common throughout the senior lifestage. Cats are more likely to face weight gain during the mature years when activity level declines and metabolism slows. But around age 11, weight loss becomes a greater concern. The 11-plus years are particularly problematic for cats because their sense of smell and taste often diminish at this time, which affects their interest in food. Caring for Cats The Easy Way You will need a great deal of commitment in order to own a cat as they do require some care (although not as much as dogs!) and can live as old as 15 years (or even longer in some cases). Cats require feeding (daily), care and play time on a regular basis. You will also have to take into consideration, before getting your cat, that you will have vets bills to pay for annual vaccines, worming and if treatment is required for any illnesses.
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