They have a knack to just ignore locations which they think are not safe and are not adhering to what they want. Experts are saying that the best type of bird house to build for blue birds are wooden ones that are situated in rural areas that have open spaces. The best location is those that are placed high on a pole. Place an extended roof Provide a roof that is extended of at least two inches in front to protect entrance of the house from raindrops that is usually driven by the wind and also to prevent domesticated animals from getting inside. Also, try to elevate a bit the floor of the bird house from the bottom to prevent rotting which is normally caused by moisture. Whatever the unique kind of design you want, you need to know their needs; from the size of the hole, size of the house, placement, and other specifications, if it meets their requirements, thinks of its needs first, then you can get a customized design for them. Almost all common bird house design are of cubed, many have sloped roofs. They fly away at the slightest sound and will definitely not be thrilled at the attention you bestow on them. This is why you have to plan out your move first so that you will achieve that shot that people love. On a clear sunny day, you can start by looking over the landscape for locations that bird houses might be into. But this is not saying that you cannot have them in any other places. There are hummingbird houses that are built on shrubs, poles, house gutters and overhangs. The location where it should be built should be high enough so that pets and pests will not easily reach them. If ever they did, you will lose the bird that your treasure plus all the pleasures that come with it. They could be seen perching and sitting on the low areas as they await their preys of insects and bugs. They also catch the unsuspecting caterpillars. They eat berries and fruits. If you want to set up a bluebird birdhouse in your backyard, make sure that you use the proper baits for them. In most cases, the bluebirds thrive in the areas where there are many cavities.
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