If you don t do something about the progression of periodontal disease, the condition will continue to get worse. During the early stages of the disease, you ll notice that your gums appear to be bright red, and very sore. This is due to the plaque building up below the gum line. When left untreated, the plaque and tartar that is below the gums will continue to eat at the teeth. Adults who suffer from a dry mouth are more at risk for cavities, as they have a lack of saliva in their mouth. Dry mouth is very common, and is normally the result of medications, illness, and radiation treatment. Tobacco users will also suffer from dry mouth, as the tobacco will use up the saliva in the mouth and leave the user with nothing to keep his or her mouth moist. Once you have cleaned it, you should place it back in your mouth between the cheek and gums. Whatever you do, you should never try to put it back in the socket. If you can make it to the dentist in time, he may be able to put the tooth back in place. If you ve had a tooth come out of place, you can normally reposition it with your fingers. Abscesses are very serious conditions, and can lead to serious matters if they aren t treated immediately. When the pulp of a tooth dies due to damage or decay, bacteria will begin to grow from the dead tissue that is left. This bacteria will eventually spread from the root of the dead tooth into the tissue that is below and create a pocket of pus - the abscess. Soft bristles are easy on your gums, and they will remove plaque and other debris from your teeth. A small head is also preferred, as it can easily reach hard to get places, such as your back teeth. You should also remember to replace your brush every couple of months, or when it starts to show signs of wear. It normally doesn t affect the nerves, although as a result of the tooth area being lost, you may need to have a root canal to clean out the tooth before having a crown put on it. The seriousness of this fracture depends on how far it has went beyond the gum line. If it has made it s way deep into the gum line, you may not be able to save the tooth.
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