Many years ago, doctors believed that worms were the reason for tooth decay. They also believed that there were many ways to kill the worms, including rinsing the mouth in one s own urine both day and night. Although this is sick to say the least, this remedy was discarded in 1728, proven to be non effective and replaced by other more suitable treatment. Whenever pressure, hot, or cold elements travel down the tubules, it will trigger the nerves and result in pain. Those who don t have sensitive teeth will have their gums covering the tubules, which prevents these types of things from happening. The idea here is to stop tooth sensitivity and keep the gums healthy. The material that makes up the composite filling is mixed then placed directly in the cavity, where it hardens. They last several years, although composite isn t recommended for large cavities, or areas where they may chip. The final type of filling is porcelain. Porcelain is very common, and produced in lab where it will be matched to your teeth then bonded to the affected tooth. When left untreated, the plaque and tartar that is below the gums will continue to eat at the teeth. Keep in mind that plaque doesn t need to be visible or detected in order for periodontal disease to be diagnosed. To determine if you have periodontal disease, you ll need to have your dentist examine you on a regular basis. You ll also hear the popping and cracking involved, which can make you feel quite uncomfortable. Depending on the shape, size, and the formation of the wisdom teeth, the removal process can vary from easy to hard. If the root tips have managed to wrap themselves around the bone, the removal process can be very time consuming and quite painful. With some emergencies, the cheeks, lips, or gums will have cuts or abrasions on them from where the teeth come out of the socket. If you ve had a tooth recently knocked out, the first thing you should do is look for that tooth. When you ve found the tooth, gently scrub it to get rid of any dirt or debris.
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