The idea here is to stop tooth sensitivity and keep the gums healthy. If you reduce the pressure you use when brushing your teeth, you ll find that your gums will remain healthy. When taught to brush their teeth, most people are instructed to use a lot of force. While this can get the teeth clean, it will also tear at the gums, which can lead to sensitive teeth. A buildup of plaque can lead to gum disease or tooth decay, which is why flossing is very important. If you floss immediately after brushing, you ll notice that your gums and teeth will be much healthier. When you look at dental floss, you ll notice there are two types - nylon and single filament. You can get nylon either waxed or un-waxed, in several different flavors. Anytime you brush your teeth or floss, there shouldn t be any sign of blood. During this stage of gingivitis, there is no loss of bone structure. You can help to prevent gingivitis though, through flossing and brushing a few times a day. If you have gingivitis and you don t do something about it, it could lead to periodontal disease. Toothaches are very painful, and it may seem that no matter what you do - it seems to hurt more. In the dental world, toothaches can include such things as cavities, infections or abscess in the teeth or gums, debris that has been trapped between the teeth and gums, and trauma to the face, teeth, or the jaw. Many years ago, doctors believed that worms were the reason for tooth decay. They also believed that there were many ways to kill the worms, including rinsing the mouth in one s own urine both day and night. Although this is sick to say the least, this remedy was discarded in 1728, proven to be non effective and replaced by other more suitable treatment. Once the bone starts to dissolve, the pressure will be greatly reduced, although the infection will still be there. Even though you will get relief, the infection will get worse - and the pain will always come back. Once more of the bone has been dissolved, there will be nothing left to support the tooth, meaning that it will become loose and end up needing to be extracted.
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