However, if you are still a novice, the first thing you should know about is the difference between conventional and convection microwaves. Why do you want a microwave? If you just want to stuff your food into it and reheat, then a conventional microwave is the right one for you. It is capable of releasing microwaves that are being absorbed by the fats and sugars that are present in the food, therefore, heating your food up. Current statistics show that 60% of the American population is considered obese. If this rate is to go down, a major overhaul is necessary as far as eating habits. This is a difficult prospect due to the multi-national industries that directly and indirectly promote the use of microwave ovens, and what's alarming is the fact that this obesity epidemic is continuing to spread all over the world because of the heavy influence of these companies. You might have heard statements from neighbors and friends saying that microwaved food poses serious health risks, not to mention the ones caused by electromagnetic wave emissions issuing from the device. And then there are others who attest to the fact that these are pure myths or old wives' tales. It's difficult to come up with a final supposition due to the mixed opinions about the safety of microwaves. If you're a first time microwave user, this might confuse you all the more and might lead to improper usage. Manual controls are not complicated to follow, but most of the microwaves today now have electronic buttons to simplify heating and cooking methods. Look for electronic controls that can be configured and used easily. The type you should buy for your home will actually depend on different factors like the available space in your kitchen, your cooking needs, the microwave s design, and many other factors. To assist you in choosing the microwave that s right for you, here are the different microwave oven types and their pros and cons: Countertop This is good for those who have larger or wider kitchen countertop. If we throw into the equation the 3000 wattage generated by conventional ovens as opposed to 600 watts to 1650 watts by microwave ovens, you can pretty much discern the discrepancy of energy saved when using the latter. Taking into account the efficiency of a microwave oven compared to a convection oven in terms of cooking food only makes the result more exponential.
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