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Guess the Drummer #shorts

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Play Drums Perfectly By Choosing the Right Cymbal for Your Drum Set Most basic drum sets that you can purchase on the market today will already come with cymbals. Usually, it will include the ride, the crash, and the hi-hat cymbal along with the hardware, such as the stands and pedals. However, the included cymbals available are really that that good when it comes to quality in terms of sound and construction. Your best option when choosing your first drum kit is to keep it simple. You have to keep in mind that even if you purchase the most expensive and the most elaborate drum kit, you can t expect to play the drums right away like how the professionals do. It takes years of experience and many professional drummers learned how to play the drums the hard way and most of them also started out learning how to play the drums using the basic drum kit. Try to purchase the one that you are very comfortable with when playing the drums. Lastly, you have to know about your first lessons. Usually, the first lessons will involve keeping a steady beat. Most lessons will start with the toms and after that, you will learn more about playing and also do variations when playing the drums. And, the best part of it all is that it s a lot quieter than actually playing the real thing. In fact, you can even get a set of headphones in order for you to really play the drums silently. This video game will practice your coordination and your dexterity which are essential to develop if you want to play the drums. If you are thinking about buying a drum set for you to practice your drumming skills on, you need to think about the people who will be affected by the noise that you will make when you bang on those drums. Try to talk to your neighbors or your housemates and see if both of you can work out an agreement in order for everyone to happily get along in your drumming world. Then, you need to turn your head side to side and repeat this 10 times as well. Warming up your torso is also important in drum playing. To do this, get your hands in front of you and interlock your fingers with both hands keeping them near the chest. With your elbows pointing outward, raise your arms until they are level to the ground. 

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