DO SOME RESEARCH Always take the time to study the history of locations to find out the probability of finding historical artifacts. You can also ask the elders in your community if there are particular locations that had been frequented before, but are now decrepit and abandoned. I can assure you that they're going to be nostalgic about it and won't have any qualms giving you helpful information. If you show them the common courtesy of asking first, they surely will be very accommodating. You can also share some of your finds with the owner. 2. Research. Do a research first to know if the area has already been hunted. 3. Look at some old maps. Old maps present some places that new maps don't. Metal detecting, especially for gold, is a sophisticated endeavor, one that requires persistence, patience, financial resources, and a bit of luck. Perhaps the best way to gauge whether it's going to be worth it in the long run is figuring out whether your love for the activity is all encompassing. If your interest in metal detecting is superficial, it may be best to take up another hobby, perhaps less strenuous ones such as stamp collecting or cultivating an art farm. Distracting sounds like waves and wind will be muted out so you can focus on your metal detecting. This accessory also helps extend the life of your detector's batteries because it makes it possible for you to turn the speaker off. Extra coils Metal detector coils come in different shapes and sizes to serve different purposes. If you would like to conduct most of your metal detecting at the beach, this will require you to purchase a metal detector specially meant for metal detecting in wet environments. This will enhance its features and will definitely make it much easier for you to find what you are looking for. Frequency OF Usage The third thing which you need to consider is just how often you are going to use your equipment. Buy A Specialized Metal Detector The third way to perk up your beach metal detecting is by using a specialized kind of metal detector because most normal metal detectors are not so efficient in sandy environments and wet places. Instead of giving you much pleasure, you will be disappointed to find such detectors will only get on your nerves.
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