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Metal Detecting an Old Rock Pool in Italy

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After mapping it all out in your head, it's up to you where you want to start, as long as you try your best not to miss any spots. KNOW HOW TO USE THE METAL DETECTOR Some hunters miss out on important finds because they were doing it too fast or were too impatient. It is always wise to draw search zones in your mind before you start skimming the sands. Among the very crucial ones are earphones, which help you interpret signal better; scuff cover to protect your detector and to provide your control box with water proofing; and trowel, which you will need to dig up. Other accessories that come in handy when detecting metals are headlamps or flashlight, plastic containers, and extra batteries. Beaches In addition to recreational places you can find in the city, you can also go to beaches that are also swarmed by so many people. Since these beaches have sand, it is very easy for items to be lost beneath them which gives you much more opportunities of looking for them and finding them during your metal detecting. Toggle your metal detector's amount of frequency according to the concentration of iron minerals in the ground. Remember that higher frequency means higher sensitivity to smaller gold, but with the penalty of picking up iron minerals. Detectors with low frequency are less sensitive to smaller gold but are much better at handling iron ground. Moreover, different items have different frequency levels which will require a certain type of metal detector to detect them in order to make sure that you optimize your metal detecting experience. Type Of Environment The second thing that you need to remind yourself is the type of environment you are most likely to cover with your metal detector. Since the backyard is your own, typically you will be familiar with the place and the secret areas which it may hold. This will practice you in gaining the skill of being observant and patient in looking for items in places that are rather unfamiliar to you. After practicing with your backyard, you can move on to larger areas such as recreational parks. 

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