Being Persistent All The Way In addition, you need to keep your persistence up as much as possible. You may likely experience a day or two when you can definitely find nothing even after long hours of search. However, these things must not let you down; instead they should even intensify your drive to metal detecting. Practicing With Familiar Areas If you are only starting with your activity, you can try out metal detecting at your backyard. It is a perfect place to practice your skills and also to be comfortable with the metal detector that you are using. Since the backyard is your own, typically you will be familiar with the place and the secret areas which it may hold. More often than not, you can find wonderful discoveries in these places. What's more, finding secret areas will definitely heighten the adventure of your metal detecting. The Virtue Of Patience The third tip which you need to remember is to have patience along the journey since metal detecting is not entirely an easy activity. Metal Detector and Other Important Metal Detecting Accessories Metal detecting is easier said than done. While it can be a very interesting and profitable hobby or full-time profession, it does require research as well as considerable expense. For neophytes like you, it is necessary that you are familiar with how your metal detector works. Nugget bottles, plastic containers, digging tools, scuff cover, and many other accessories can be of great help to you. 8. Get a protective cap for your search coil. Search coils are expensive so it's better to give it a protective cap. 9. Wear knee pads. Metal detecting also involves bending and kneeling so it is advisable to wear hard-cap knee pads. Also, since these beaches are swarmed by so many people each day, you are sure to find things that are worthwhile buried in the sand. It is important for you to be unafraid of getting dirty in digging these things up. Historical Places If you still want to increase your experience of metal detecting, you can even go researching for different historical places where you can most likely find lost and valuable items.
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