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Moving Cattle to the Winter Pasture!

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This avoids stress and injury because animals who feel threatened and frightened may be potentially dangerous. Third, keeping an eye on wounded animals is advisable and not turning your back on them is sensible. Injured animals are more difficult to control. Also important to remember is that spaces between animals largely depend on their kind. These include chicken, duck, quail, hog or pig (swine), cattle (cow and carabao), and goat. These animals are raised depending on the kind of surrounding or environment. Livestock Raising is a sure source of food and clothing. The meat and skin of these animals command higher prices in the market. Even the by-products of these animals are a good source of fertilizers. If he was not able to answer all the questions adequately, then look for other dealers. Ask for Guarantees You can tell if a pig dealer is a good one if it gives guarantees on the pigs that it sells. If the pigs you have purchased from that dealer get sick within a certain period, then you can take it back to the dealer and ask for replacement or a refund. Older English sources, such as the King James Version of the Bible, refer to livestock in general as "cattle", as opposed to the word "deer", which then was used for wild animals which were not owned. The word cattle is derived from Middle English chatel, which meant all kinds of movable personal property, including of course livestock, which was differentiated from non-movable real-estate. Before doing anything else, you have to know what you are going to use the trailer for. Is the trailer for back road use or for traveling on the highway? Aside from that, you also need to know the type of farm animals that will be transported as well as the estimated total weight of the cargo. 2. Check if your tow vehicle is designed for handling a trailer. Before you start your search, it is important that you know exactly what you are going to do with the goat. Goats are a popular livestock option mainly because of their meat, milk, and fiber. Some consider raising goats as pets. What about you? What is your purpose for purchasing a goat? Your purpose will determine the best goat to buy. 

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