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Underarm Laser Hair Removal #short

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That is because a naturally-occurring enzyme in the body combines with testosterone to create a chemical called DHT. This chemical is responsible for the hair loss on the tops of men's heads when they have male pattern baldness. However, it does not affect the back and sides of their hair in most cases. Next, the doctor looks over the hair transplant for quality control. He may take a good deal of time tweaking the placement of grafts before he is satisfied that they are all set properly into their receptor sites in a pleasing fashion. When he gives the ok, the surgical technicians again take over the patient's care. The pictures should be of good quality so that you can really see what kind of job was done. Next, ask for names and phone numbers of patients the surgeon has treated. A doctor who has done many successful hair transplant procedures will have a list of people willing to talk about their experience. You can call each one and ask about how the procedure went for them. Then, the blood flow will be too much. Your transplants may start to bleed. It is important to clean your hair just as your doctor recommends after hair transplant surgery. You will be given a special shampoo to use and specific instructions on how and when to use it. It is necessary to clean gently but thoroughly. How loose your scalp is helps to decide how many grafts can be done just as hair density does. 4. Coarse hair will cover more area. When your hair transplant is done, the surgeon will be able to use fewer hair follicles per graft if your hair is coarse. That is because coarse hair provides more coverage. The price may be around $12 per graft when other grafts are being put in at the same time. If the plugs are just being removed, the price is higher, about $15 per graft. Scar revision surgery is usually done at a flat fee, perhaps around $1000 for the procedure. The normal hair transplant procedure will cost differently depending on the number of grafts even though the cost per graft goes down the more grafts you have. 

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