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But if you do have the money for it then by all means, then go ahead and purchase one. All of these are just some of the ways on how to fix interferences in baby monitors. They are not 100% percent fool proof solution but they will be able to help minimize interferences especially when you live in a flat. But with digital monitors, the range of the devices has been extended making it more possible for the parents to roam around the house without worrying of getting out of range. Disadvantages of Digital Baby Monitors Digital baby monitors do also have their fair share of disadvantages. One of the most controversial topics about digital technology in baby monitors is health risk. Even though they put up with a lot of difficulties in caring for their babies, the ounce of reassurance they get from using such devices is more than welcome. Special Features Hearing-impaired individuals are definitely faced with two times the challenge of caring for a baby. Aside from making sure that they can provide for their infants' needs, they also have to deal with the fact that they cannot perceive sounds not even the cries of their own little ones. When are Baby Monitors Useful? Most people think that baby monitors are only useful at night during the sleeping periods of both the child and the parents. This, however, is not the case. You can actually use baby monitors even during the day when you have other things to do around the house like cooking or other household preparations. On the other hand, parents who own bigger houses or live in multi-story residences require a device that has a longer range. In this way, they will know for certain that the transmitter and receiver will not falter even in extended distances. Portability Every now and then, people may share a similar opinion when it comes to size. What Are Baby Monitors? Basically, a baby monitor, also known as a baby alarm, is a device that can be used to monitor your children or babies even if they are located in a separate room than yours. It is a simplex transmitter and receiver system that can be used to remotely listen for different noises made by your kids and babies. 

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