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A Look At The History Of Airbrush Art Airbrush art is a popular form of painting various designs on various types of surfaces. Everything from skin, clothing, canvas and automobiles are being used to show fantastic works of art using airbrushing. Motorcycles and building murals are also a target for an artist to show off their creativity with airbrush art. You can go with bold colors schemes or subtle colors. The possibilities with airbrush art are unlimited and only limited to the artist imagination. Any scene, any surface and everything in between can be airbrushed. Airbrushing looks realistic and saves time over hand painting. If you want airbrush done on any surface or for any reason and do not want to learn then there are many airbrush artists out there that you can hire for any of your airbrush art needs. One way is that you can use stencils or masks to airbrush your artwork on to your project. The other way is that you can freehand the design onto your project without the use of stencils or masks. Most stencils and masks that you purchase are reusable. The stencils are made from different material depending on what the stencil will be used for. This video will go into all the details that you will need to know to create your own airbrush art caricatures. These designs are great on t-shirts, canvas and if you really want you can put then on your car. After all art is all about imagination and showing off your creative imagination. advancing your techniques and learning new design methods can help you to advance your airbrush art. Learn some tricks on how to create great airbrush art tattoos. This video will walk you through it all step-by-step so that you really understand the process behind airbrush art tattoos. If creating custom airbrushed t-shirts seems to be your interest but you have no experience in airbrush art then Kent Lind has the video for you. See two kids on a seesaw at the park? Turn those two kids into angels on a seesaw cloud in the sky. See a couple of kids playing ball? Then turn them into angels and the ball into a cloud. Now put all of this into one art design. See where I am going with this? You just took two things you seen incorporated them both together turned them into something else and now you have a unique floating cloud playground. 

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