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Spinning and Weaving

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The Pueblo Indians were one of the first ones to ever start weaving wool instead of cotton. In only a short time, the natives of Navajo learned this from their neighbors and started to practice this new method of weaving as well. The Pueblo rebellion There was a rebellion back in 1680, and it intensely had great influences on how the local Indians lived their lives. The yarn is then spun off the tip of the spindle. The floor charkha and the great wheel is very much the same. The spinning, however, should cease to successfully wind the yarn right onto the spindle. The Indian independence movement used the charkha as a symbol and tool. This is a portable hand-cranked wheel that spins cotton, as well as other short-staple fibers. The structure is described as a frame that holds the warp well and will pull the weft thread or woof through. Some of the early types of the loom can be observed in paintings 4000 years old or older, up to the Industrial Age wherein the loom was produced in huge volumes. The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay in the 1900s in the United Kingdom. You should know some of the basic twisting and spinning methods to create even lines and patterns. Here is some more information on how to begin. Twisting First Tie the yarn around the shaft of the drop spindle. Make sure that this is tied around the long portion, next to the whorl. Turn the drop spindle a number of times in the arrow direction, then let the yarn wrap around the shaft. You can spin commercial flax top without using a distaff. This can be spun dry for a hairy result. Using a subtle sheen, you can also spin it wet to get smooth yarn. Linen yarn usually gets softer and more pliable if worn out. How to Spin To make socks, you need about 4 ounces of fiber, for a vest, you will need 16 ounches, and for a sweater, you will need around 24 to 32 ounces of fiber. Purchase a wooden car wheel measuring about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, which will become the whorl part of the spindle. The wheel should already have been drilled with a hole in the very middle which prevents the spindle from wobbling once it spins. Next, look for a dowel rod that fits right at the middle hole of the wheel. 

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