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ISTANBUL, the New Mecca of MEDICAL TOURISM? - VisualPolitik EN

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Botox injections in Thailand, the Philippines or Singapore are only about 25% of the cost you pay in the United States or the United Kingdom. Several tourists go to Asia each year to get multiple injections. Be ready for some risks like temporary freezing of the facial expression, temporary swelling and redness and temporary dry eyes. Ask the necessary questions, such as your diet and exercise regimen days before the operation, medical and health hazards, possible risks and complications, medication regimen afterwards and the duration of hospitalization. You should ensure that the doctor is well-experienced in the type of surgery to be done. Undergoing Treatment Patients can travel halfway across the globe to receive various types of health care, including alternative care, psychiatric treatment, convalescent care and even for burial. Customers and service or health care providers from the other country usually communicate through informal means, to hasten the process and avoid very strict legal oversight. He should also be informed about other related stipulations once he returns to the United States or the UK. Patients should also be informed about current epidemics and other high risk nations that still harbour infectious diseases, such as malaria, TB and HIV. Patients in the end have the final say as to the type of care they wish to receive, as well as the institution they choose to deal with. Some of the favorite activities by medical tourists are scuba diving, surfing, swimming, parasailing and sunbathing. Costa Ricans mainly speak Spanish, although a lot of medical institutions in the area require most of their staff to be good at English as well. Some of the main reasons why you have to consider Costa Rica for your medical tour are its top quality health institutions, modern equipment and facilities and a highly ranked health care system. Medical tourism has significantly grown in Thailand in the past few years. A single hospital in 2005 admitted 150,000 foreign patients. Some of the procedures sought after by patients include cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery, organ transplant and dental work. Some other procedures include physical therapy, mental treatment and spa. 

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