The book will give step-by-step instructions on the basic level of airbrushing techniques and how to create different effects with your airbrush art. By reading this book you will learn about the equipment and other materials that you will be using. The effects that you will learn about include freehand, edge effects, highlights, lettering and several others. Almost everyone on the internet has started using a blog. Well you should be no different. Get yourself a free blog and start showcasing what you can do. Don't just put up pictures of your work though. Make sure to actually talk to your audience. Tell them about yourself and your passion for airbrush art. The main key is learning how to control the airbrush gun so that you can get the paint only where you want it and not overcast the paint where you do not want it. Once you master that then your options are endless with the vast array of stencils out there. A bottom feed or siphon feed airbrush works best when putting airbrush art onto a t-shirt. Buffing the nails will give for a rougher surface for the paint to cling onto. Prior to actually airbrushing the nails, a base coat should be applied. There are actually two reasons for the base coat. This base coat will help protect the nail from the paint and help the paint to adhere to the nail better. The great thing is that the foundation is light weight and barely noticeable. Airbrush makeup has been able to take a woman that is plain and turn her into an exotic beauty with the right application of certain makeup. The effects of airbrushed makeup are more natural but at the same time more dramatic than the use of regular make up. While under the supervision of an expert you can quickly learn where you are making some mistakes with your work. Expert instructors include Peter West and Pamela Shanteau who hold classes at the Learning and Product Expo: Art for beginners through to advanced. AirBrush Action offers their Airbrush Getaway Workshops that run from a one day class to four day classes and are located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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