They are different because Voodoo (originally, Vodun) is a religion in West Africa, whereas, Hoodoo is a system of magical beliefs and practices from Central Africa. Indeed, Hoodoo is neither a religion nor a denomination of religion. Hoodoo is common to black community particularly the African Americans, who, they say, started the system of Hoodoo. There might be some trading off of spells between casters but these are subject of long negotiations and treaty ceremonies. With regards to spells that are unique to the order, sharing is not easily condoned. Sharing is totally forbidden on penalty of death, or worse, depending on the importance of the spell. The power of the word is further amplified if the spell-giver is known to be well-versed in his conjuring craft. Adding terror to the spell is the use of alien words from an unheard-of language known only to the magic man. Making a spell or a curse with dramatic displays of strange words and smoke and potions or even by a simple use of the hand was prevalent ever since the medieval times. and most of these exploits are recorded in ancient texts. These are the exemplars which are found in ancient, sacred texts all the way from Egypt to Babylonia and spread throughout the world. Since then, people are exchanging stories of love spells, resolved lost loves, returning lovers, and some other incidents. You could also write your own spell, especially if you cannot find anything that would suit your personality and your particular situation. Writing spells is not easy. Again, it would require studies and patience. Reason 4: Strong belief and patience are important. If you miss this, then you would surely think that the spell is bound to fail. Anything that manipulates or goes against the free will of anybody is considered wrong. Wiccan spells The Old English term for witch is Wicca. They used it to counter all the negative stereotypes that society gave to witchcraft. Wiccans use spells. These are rituals and prayers carried out to ask for divine help in a certain aspect of life.
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