Performing privately would ensure that our energy and our spell are not disturbed. Another common problem among spell-casters is the timing. Some spells would require specific time to perform them. Adapting to time phase could be hard. There are some expert spell-catchers who would say that performing spells under a full moon, for instance, is not that important. These spells are usually constructed from words, gestures, and ingredients. When a spell involves words, these words must be pronounced clearly, firmly, and emphatically. They cannot be whispered, but said in a conversational level. Where gestures are needed, the gesture will require freedom of movement of arms, hands and fingers. Spells And Hexes Attested to by even the most primitive of tribes since ancient times, the power of the spoken word was never questioned ever. These powerful spoken words are now called spells, hexes, or curses. The power of the word is further amplified if the spell-giver is known to be well-versed in his conjuring craft. Its blue color makes it effective in warding off evil spirits. Some Hoodoo practitioners, who use bluestones, call this kind of protection spell as blue water. In Europe and Middle East, cat s eye shells are protection against the evil eye. This belief originally came from the Victorian era where these are made into jewelry to ward off the evil eye. These beliefs state that a person has the freedom to act according his will but he has to take responsibility over his actions. The second belief is similar to eastern Asia s karma in which a person is awarded or punished depending on his actions toward a fellow human being. There are different types of Wicca. If these spells (or prayers, if you like) are performed correctly and all the protocols are in place, the request is granted and can have a dramatic impact on the intended person or situation. This happens even if the person is on the other side of the world. Angels and entities During the performance of spells, angels and other spirit entities are invoked to help make a success of these spells or prayers.
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