Later, through the ages, they created their own spells, and developed other more powerful spells to solve all kinds of problems. Witchcraft People were drawn to witchcraft and love spells by their own inner desires. They were unaware that they held a past. In the olden days, there were those who believed that magic was a gift from the Gods, especially in Egypt. John George Hohman, a German-American writer and publisher who immigrated to United States in 1802, wrote the book and later made a crude translation in English in 1846. The looming spiritualism in the United States in the nineteenth century began the incorporation of the word Pow -wow in the title of the subsequent reprints. Third, both systems are folkloric practices associated with magical spells and rituals. Nevertheless, one should never interchange Hoodoo from Voodoo or vice versa. They are different because Voodoo (originally, Vodun) is a religion in West Africa, whereas, Hoodoo is a system of magical beliefs and practices from Central Africa. Pitting Wiccan beliefs against Christian beliefs is common which is why most Wicca followers would still practice in secrecy, in fear of being persecuted. Some Wicca followers would say that their beliefs are not that contradicting with Christian beliefs, in fact some would claim that there are Wiccans who admire Jesus and his acts. It could be about wealth, health, and the most famous, love. There may be people who would testify with the effectiveness of the spells, while there are others who may say that they are not getting anything out of them. But why do spells fail? Followers and experts would say that there are many contributing factors why spells do not work. Unfortunately, some would think that all it would take is a simple drink of potion or hypnosis to make a person fall in love. Love spells still relies on the deep and true feelings of a person. There would be times when love spells would not work. Casters would often criticize the whole belief system and would say that spells, in general, never work.
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