The paint will become permanent when it dries. There are a lot of possibilities with acrylic nail art paint that you can do when creating your airbrush art. Colors can be mixed to create your own unique color for your artwork. When putting airbrush art onto an automotive use acrylic enamels. These are not only cheap but they will not clog up your airbrush like lacquers. Stencils can be used to airbrush art on to your automobile just the same as any other surface or project. The art that you create with airbrushing is only limited to your own imagination. There are plenty of places to acquire stencils or get design ideas so that you can create your own stencils. If you do create your own stencils for airbrushing your automobile do not use paper to create your stencils. Some blog sites such as Shout Post and Tblog actually show your blog posts off for you to other bloggers. This helps to get your blog some traffic. If you choose a blog host that does not do that then you should look into some blog traffic exchanges. After all what good is the blog if no one is seeing it? If the wood has been waxed or has a gloss coat then sanding this will remove this and allow for the paint to stick to the surface. Skin should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils from the skin. The skin's own natural oils will prevent the airbrush paint from successfully sticking to the skin. Album covers were done using airbrush art to create the whole hippy style images. The wild psychedelic artwork that was popular with that era were done thanks to the use of airbrushing. Tie dyed looks and large hippy flowers and even the peace signs were making their way onto vehicles during this era. The only thing you need to be doing is experimenting with the airbrush. Get used to how it works and feels in your hand. Practice spraying the airbrush at your cheap surface while you learn just what pressure is needed where. If you are using a double action airbrush you should be experimenting to see how far back gives you how much paint spray.
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