During this stage of gingivitis, there is no loss of bone structure. You can help to prevent gingivitis though, through flossing and brushing a few times a day. If you have gingivitis and you don t do something about it, it could lead to periodontal disease. Those who don t treat gingivitis or those who keep poor oral hygiene habits, will normally end up with periodontal disease. If you floss immediately after brushing, you ll notice that your gums and teeth will be much healthier. When you look at dental floss, you ll notice there are two types - nylon and single filament. You can get nylon either waxed or un-waxed, in several different flavors. Nylon floss is made up of several strands of nylon material, meaning that it can shred, tear, or snag between the teeth if it gets caught on sharp teeth. The dentist can also perform a root canal, in an attempt to remove dead or decayed tissue. Last but not least, he can also drill a hole in the tooth to give the infection a chance to drain and try to remove any dead pulp. The most common treatment with an abscess is to use antibiotics to kill the infection, then get the tooth removed. If they present a bad position or cause you a lot of pain or discomfort, they will need to be removed. When the wisdom teeth first come in, they will sometimes be impacted. Impacted teeth will normally need to be extracted. Sometimes they can be pulled, although in most cases they need to be cut out by a qualified surgeon. Sometimes, the tooth can also be restored with a composite. Either way, you ll need to make sure that you use extreme caution with the tooth for the next few days. The more moderate fractures, normally include damage to the dentin, pulp, and even the enamel. These fractures can be nothing to worry about at times, yet painful with other cases. The fear of pain in dentistry is so high in fact, that many people fail to go to the dentist until their condition becomes so severe that they have no other choice than to see a dentist. A majority of individuals are terrified of the dental chair, although once they are numb, they sometimes fall asleep.
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