If you have sensitive teeth now, you should try using an electric toothbrush such as the Sonicare advanced. Although you may have sensitive teeth now, there are ways you can help to improve your gums and your teeth. There are several toothpastes out there on the market that contain potassium nitrate, which helps to reduce pain and discomfort associated with sensitivity. They are known as a quirk of nature, and will make you feel like you are on your death bed - although you really aren t. Those who are more at risk to dry sockets include those who smoke following extractions, and those who like to grind their teeth frequently. A dry socket is a condition where the blood clot that forms after an extraction detaches itself from the socket walls. The seriousness of this fracture depends on how far it has went beyond the gum line. If it has made it s way deep into the gum line, you may not be able to save the tooth. The crack can be present for many years, before you start to feel any pain. To be on the safe side, you should go to your regular checkups with your dentist, as he can check for cracks and other problems. Anytime you start to experience a toothache, you shouldn t hesitate to make an appointment with your dentist to have it checked. Sometimes, getting an appointment when your tooth starts hurting is easier said than done. Even though you may be able to use certain products to stop the pain, the pain will always come back until you get the problem fixed. To prevent both types of gum disease, you should always brush your teeth and remove as much plaque as possible. If you allow the plaque to build up, gum disease will normally be the result. Gingivitis is known as inflammation in the tissues of the gums. If plaque and tartar build up along the gum line, the gums will eventually get swollen and irritated. If you are already in pain when you visit the dentist, the shots will put your mind at ease and stop the pain almost immediately. If you have a tremendous fear of dental pain and simply cannot stand the thought of getting a shot, then you may be interested in laughing gas or IV sedation. Either of the two can help you relax before you the dentist applies numbing shots.
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