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Valentine's Day

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Many say chocolates are seductive and suggestive because of its gratifying potent, creaminess, and silkiness. A survey of Debra Waterhouse, who authored Why Women Need Chocolate, showed that 50 percent of the women respondents would choose chocolate over sex and 22 percent of them were more likely to choose chocolate to elevate their moods. They are now more enthusiastic and open to the idea that if they want to have a successful date especially on Valentine's Day, they have to follow basic and general rules in dating especially in first dates. Going out on a date Even the most confident women experience anxiety attacks when they go out on a date, what more to those who are not so confident about themselves? The worst thing any man can do is to turn up on a date smelling, unshaven, and looking dirty so the first thing you should do is to take a bath, brush your teeth, and shave those stubborn stubbles. Men who do not know how to maintain hygiene are no-nos for the more hygienic sex. So it pays to spray on some decent cologne and gargle before you meet up with your date. Women take pride if their men know what their tastes and preferences when it comes to music so this will be a hit. But before you go out on that gift-buying spree for your Valentine's date, make sure that you stick to your price range. If possible, buy her the thing/s she specifically asked for to avoid hassles. But, gift-hunting for men can be simpler when you consider his activities, hobbies, and interests. If the special man in your life is a: - Gadget geek. Consider buying him new techy stuff, accessories, and items. A new unit of a handheld mobile, the latest games and software programs, an MP3 or MP4 player, or a laptop will surely find a way to his heart. But, aside from performing many tasks other than just to stimulate sexual intercourse, pheromones are used as contraceptives, sedatives, and appetite suppressants. These have also been used to assure women s the menstrual cycles and are being used to cure diseases and illnesses like impotence, prostate cancer and other sexual disorders. 

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