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Importance of Career Plan and Process

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It can help you identify where exactly you want to be in your career and then you can set goals to help keep you in line with where you want to be. The field of accounting is a lucrative place to be as there are many different jobs that you can do in this career path. Usually, you will start out small as a clerk and then you can advance through the ranks into a certified public accountant, an auditor, and even a chief financial officer of a company. Each different aspect of the music industry involves different training and experience. Just because you ve played the guitar since you were 10 doesn t make you qualified to be a guitar expert. You ll need training as well as experience before you can start advising others. Of course, if you have natural talent to become a performance artist, that ability is innate, but you ll still have to market yourself in the process. Based on the answers you gave, you will be given a list of possible careers that will fit you and your personality as well as your abilities and talents. You should then take a good look at this list and find a career path that appeals to you. That s when you can begin your career planning in earnest. As with working as an employee at a beauty salon or a beauty salon spa, you can also choose to work at a beauty supply store instead of actually own one. Many beauty supply stores often hire beauty consultants, as well as managers, stockers, and cashiers. You may even want to think about selling beauty products for another company, like Avon or Mary Kay, as an independent contractor. Dental hygiene is one of the fastest growing career paths around these days, and it can be a very well paying career at that. Choosing dental hygiene as a career can be a very good career move. You will, of course, need special schooling if you are going to choose dental hygiene as the career you want to get into. The first thing you need to do is look at what you like to do and what interests you. Do you like tinkering around under the hood of a car? Maybe you should be an auto mechanic. Perhaps writing is what you enjoy. If so, maybe a journalism career is on your horizon. Almost all of us had a dream when we were children about what we wanted to be when we grew up. 

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